Dust filters, also called cabin filters, are used for filtering air which is sucked in directly from the road, forced in through ventilation or air conditioning system into the driver’s cabin. Most of the manufactured modern cars are equipped with these filters, as it is no more a symbol of luxury but a safety requirement. Tiredness, hay fever, eye watering or breathing disorder definitely have a negative impact on the driver’s reflexes and they might be really dangerous for road safety. These symptoms are often caused by contaminants coming into the driver’s cabin with the sucked air. The concentration of certain types of contaminants results from a number of factors such as season, weather conditions, intensity of local industry and road traffic. Air dustiness in cars with no cabin filters may reach a level six times higher than outside, as the working ventilator makes the cabin act as a decanter.
Particle size ranges of pollutants present in atmospheric air |
The ability to retain pollutants by the human respiratory system |
Breathing contaminated air causes negative, often an irreversible impact on the human health. Despite natural barriers and defence mechanisms, which mean the ability of self-cleaning of the human respiratory system, the vast majority of pollutants get into the bronchial tubes or even into the pulmonary alveoluses, often becoming the source of infections. Cabin filter efficiency can be easily noticed during the replacement. All one has to do is just have a look at the surface of an used filter. Being aware that all of these contaminats, gathered on the filter medium, might have been inhaled into our lungs is probably the best argument for using cabin filters in your car.
Filter before and after exploitation